2023-2024 College Catalog 
    Jan 16, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Workforce Development and Continuing Education Division

Program Information

Lenoir Community College offers comprehensive programs based on the needs and interests of adults in Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Counties. Programs are designed to provide basic education for Grades 1-8 for adults; to provide high school courses of study opportunities in preparation for a high school equivalency certificate; to provide cultural and community service programs; and to provide upgrading and vocational courses designed to prepare students for new jobs or allow them to perform better in their present job. The Workforce Development and Continuing Education Division is committed to providing programs and activities to enhance social, cultural, economic, and leadership growth, as well as enhance the quality of life of the citizens, the community, and the state. This mission is fulfilled in the following ways:

  1. Providing education, training, and retraining for the workforce;
  2. Maintaining effective and cooperative partnerships with businesses, industries, and various community agencies and organizations; and
  3. Utilizing systematic assessment for planning and evaluation.


Classes are held on the main campus of Lenoir Community College, Aerospace and Advanced Machining Center, Greene County Center, Greene County Workforce Development Center, Jones County Center, La Grange Center, and at selected locations throughout Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Counties.


Any person 18 years of age and not enrolled in a secondary school may register for classes.

Some courses have special admission requirements. Also, for some courses, the number of students who may enroll is limited. The program coordinator should be contacted for additional information.

Admission of Minors

An applicant who is a minor between the ages of 16 and 18 years may be considered a person with special needs and admitted to appropriate programs. The applicant must be separated from the public school system and must provide documentation of release. A notarized petition of the minor’s parent or legal guardian may be required, depending on the course or program.

An applicant at least 16 years of age or older and still enrolled in a secondary school may enroll in selected courses upon written permission by the school principal during the school months and by both the school principal and the superintendent during the summer months.

When Classes Begin

Classes are offered based on student and labor market demand once sufficient interest is expressed. Many classes are scheduled when the regular college semester begins. Every effort is made to arrange courses for the convenience of students.

Registration Fee

A registration fee is charged for each Continuing Education class. Refund of fees is based on the College’s refund policy. No registration fee is charged for Transitional and Career Studies or special short-term training programs for volunteer firefighters, fire department personnel, volunteer rescue and life-saving department personnel, local law enforcement officers, and full-time custodial employees of the Department of Corrections. When a course is taught as self-supporting, a registration fee sufficient to cover all direct costs associated with the course is charged to every student.

Other Costs

For a class in which a textbook is to be used, the student is responsible for acquiring a personal copy of the textbook. If a student wishes to construct a project in class, which will become personal property when completed, the student is to supply all materials. Other fees, such as technology fee, liability insurance, or cost of printed materials, may be required for some courses.

Transitional and Career Studies Programs

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Through Adult Basic Education, adults who lack basic literacy skills can learn the skills necessary to obtain jobs and promotions, help their children with homework, exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens, improve math and literacy skills, and manage their finances more effectively. ABE is open to any adult 18 years of age or older who has not completed high school. Minors that are at least 16 years of age have the option to enroll with special permission from the local public school system.

Adults who master the ABE levels may enroll in HSE, AHS, and other transitional classes to gain skills and certifications for employment in various career fields. Classes are conducted in various locations at times convenient to adult learners.

Gaining Occupational and Life Skills (G.O.A.L.S.)

This program serves individuals with disabilities. Educational opportunities are centered on helping individuals become as independent and self-directed as possible through acquiring basic and life skills needed to function successfully in daily living. The curriculum focuses on academic skills, career awareness and exploration, and soft skills needed for daily living and employment. When students complete the program, a graduation ceremony is held and a transcript is awarded to the student to document the competencies that the student has gained. The program is a direct partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation and the local school systems.

Adult High School Diploma Program (AHS)

The Adult High School Diploma Program provides adults with an opportunity to earn a high school diploma and consists of core courses required by the public school system along with electives offered by the community college. Students must have 23 units of credit to successfully complete the AHS program. Graduates may participate in a departmental graduation ceremony held at Lenoir Community College each spring. The College awards the diploma in conjunction with the Local Education Agency (LEA).

High School Equivalency (HSE)

Lenoir Community College organizes classes across the service area to prepare individuals to pass the HSE (high school equivalency) tests. The HSE official test covers content that a graduating senior is expected to know in Language Arts-Writing, Social Studies, Science, Language Arts-Reading, and Mathematics. Students attend classes until they demonstrate proficiency and successfully complete the HSE test battery. The HSE official test is offered in a computer-based and paper-based format. Graduates may participate in a departmental graduation ceremony held at Lenoir Community College each spring.

English Language Acquisition (ELA)

The English Language Acquisition Program is designed to serve adult speakers of other languages. Adults study the English language through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Basic math skills are also a component of the ELA curriculum. Knowledge necessary to become active and informed parents, workers, and community members is shared through resource toolkits. Additionally, students are offered a course of study to prepare for the establishment of permanent resident status or U.S. citizenship. Students are also given the opportunity to transition into HSE or AHS diploma classes if they did not complete high school.

Family Literacy

Family Literacy addresses critical factors that limit a family’s ability to rise to a level of economic independence and self-sufficiency by integrating four essential components: adult education, parent and child time (PACT), parenting education, and employability skills. Additional programs offered through Family Literacy include HSE and ELA. The College and area LEAs work collaboratively to champion the causes of families through partnerships with other community agencies.

Workforce Development and Continuing Education Programs

This program consists of single courses designed specifically for the purpose of training individuals for employment, upgrading the skills of persons presently employed, and retraining people for new employment in occupational fields.

Fire Service Training Program

Firefighting techniques, pump operations, and fire control methods are taught by certified instructors in fire service training.

Law Enforcement Program

The Law Enforcement program is designed to upgrade the training of law enforcement departments throughout Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Counties. It consists of single courses selected to meet the needs of law enforcement.

Healthcare Programs

Lenoir Community College offers a variety of medical programs through Workforce Development and Continuing Education: Emergency Medical Services starting with the Emergency Medical Responder through Paramedic in preparation for state certification. The College offers credentialing and recertification courses in EMS for all levels of EMS providers as well as the following specialty courses: Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Basic Life Support, Phlebotomy, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support and many others. In addition, the following health-related classes are available: Nurse Aide I & II, Nurse Aide Refresher, Pharmacy Technician, Health Unit Coordinator, Medical Terminology, Medical Coding and Billing, Geriatric Aide, Home Health Aide, RN Refresher, and Medical Assisting Refresher, and Psychiatric Technician. The College continues to add offerings as courses become available and strives to keep up with the most updated information and equipment to ensure a quality education in the medical field.

Trades and Transportation Programs

Additional programs that are offered include automotive, welding, HVAC, Energy Distribution, electrical, manufacturing, Truck Driver Training (CDL), and more.

Customized Training Program

Customized Training Programs support the economic development efforts of the State by providing education and training opportunities for eligible businesses and industries. The programs were developed in recognition of the fact that one of the most important factors for a business or industry considering locating, expanding, or remaining in North Carolina is the ability of the State to ensure the presence of a well-trained workforce. The programs are designed to react quickly to the needs of businesses and to respect the confidential nature of proprietary process and information within those businesses. The purpose is to provide customized training assistance in support of full-time production and direct customer service positions created in North Carolina.

Small Business Center

The Small Business Center was established at Lenoir Community College to serve small business owners, prospective owners, and employees of small businesses by providing counseling, a variety of seminars, workshops, and courses specifically geared to small business management. The Center works cooperatively with the Chamber of Commerce, the Small Business Administration, and the many other agencies that provide information and assistance to small businesses.in our coverage area.

Microenterprise Loan Program

The Microenterprise Loan Program operates under the umbrella of the Small Business Center at Lenoir Community College. The primary goal of the program is to help entrepreneurs who may have trouble obtaining business loans from traditional lending sources by brokering professional technical assistance and by providing small loans for start-up and growth capital to small business owners in Lenoir, Jones, and Greene Counties.

Human Resources Development Program (HRD)

The Human Resources Development (HRD) Program is designed to train unemployed, underemployed, or dislocated adults with job seeking skills and assist them in upgrading their vocational skills to secure employment. Training may consist of an introduction to basic computer skills, completing application forms, communication skills, letter writing, resume writing, career goal setting, and interviewing techniques. The ultimate goal of the HRD program is to train those who need help securing employment. Registration fees are waived for those who qualify. Pre-assessments, prior to WorkKeys® testing, are recommended.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

WIOA is a federally funded program that provides employment and training services through the local Lenoir County Career Center for youth, adult, or dislocated workers. WIOA offers a mix of employment, training, and job placement services. Participants may access Individual Training Accounts to assist with tuition, fees, books, supplies, and accident insurance. Job attainment, job retention, and increased earnings for participants are goals of the WIOA program.

Career Readiness Certification (NCRC)

The National Career Readiness Certificate is a portable credential that promotes skills and career development for individuals and confirms to employers that they possess basic workplace skills in applied mathematics, reading for information, and locating information. The NCRC is based on the ACT WorkKeys® system, a nationally recognized, EEOC-compliant, industry-driven system of job profiling, assessment, and instructional support. The system awards three levels of certification - Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The National Career Readiness Certification is available at the Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Career Centers.

NCWorks Career Center

Lenoir Community College hosts the NCWorks Career Centers located in the Bullock Building on main campus and at the Jones and Greene County locations of Lenoir Community College. The NCWorks Career Center is a user-friendly facility, which provides job seekers, training seekers, and employers access to a variety of employment and training services in one location. The NCWorks Center hosts workforce development professionals working together to provide services for all customers. The workforce team includes representatives from Lenoir Community College, Division of Workforce Solutions, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Vocational Rehabilitation, Greene Lamp, Telamon, Job Corps, Department of Social Services, Coastal Women’s Shelter, and Coastal Community Action.

NCWorks Career Centers offer a more convenient, efficient, and effective way for all North Carolinians to look for a new or better job. By offering a wide range of service options from self-service to full-service, NCWorks Career Centers are able to offer more comprehensive training and employment services to the community. The following services are offered to job seekers at no charge: career assessment and guidance; access to training and education programs, workshops and job fairs; information on the labor market; assistance with job search, résumé and cover letters; interviewing tips; free computer and access; and help with registering and using NCWorks Online.

Continuing Education Units

The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is used as the basic means for recognizing the College’s offering of noncredit classes, courses, workshops, seminars, and other programs. A unit is defined as 10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience. The two types of continuing education units are individual and institutional.

The following criteria are utilized for the awarding of individual CEUs:

  1. The noncredit activity is planned in response to an assessment of educational needs for a specific target population.
  2. There is a statement of objectives and rationale.
  3. Content is selected and organized in a sequential manner.
  4. There is evidence of pre-planning, which should include opportunity for input by a representative of the target group, the faculty, and continuing education personnel.
  5. The activity is of an instructional nature and is sponsored or approved by an academic or administrative unit of the College best qualified to determine quality and approve the resource personnel.
  6. There is a provision for registration for individual participants.
  7. Appropriate evaluation procedures are utilized and criteria are established for awarding CEUs to individual students prior to the beginning of the activity. This may include the evaluation of student performance, instructional procedures, and course effectiveness.

Noncredit offerings that do not meet the individual CEU criteria are accounted for only in terms of the institutional CEU. No individual CEUs are awarded. Normally, these noncredit offerings are less structured and more informal in nature. Institutional CEUs must meet the following criteria:

  1. The activity is a planned educational experience or a continuing educational experience.
  2. The activity is sponsored by an academic or administrative unit of the College best qualified to determine quality and approve the resource personnel.
  3. Record of attendance is required by the College and a file of program materials is maintained by the College for special activities. Neither individual nor institutional CEUs normally are used to recognize or account for participation in entertainment, social, or athletic activities.

Grading System

The grading system for extension classes when used is as follows:

  • PPass, satisfactory completion of course work
  • FFail, unsatisfactory achievement in course work
  • IIncomplete (If the instructor determines that the student is able to submit remaining work, the instructor may change the grade within the next semester upon completion of remaining coursework.  At the end of the next semester, if coursework has not been completed, the grade will be changed to F)
  • WWithdrew (The student has formally requested to withdraw from or drop the course)
  • AUAudit (No CEUs earned)
  • S Satisfactory achievement in coursework (Some programs may be required to report a grade of S rather than P)
  • U Unsatisfactory achievement in coursework (Some programs may be required to report a grade of U rather than F)                                                                                                                                      

Certain occupational extension courses may require that students be tested for knowledge and/or competency. In those situations, the grading system for curriculum instruction may be substituted.


Absences disrupt students’ progress in a course and diminish the quality of group interaction. Generally, students must attend 80% of the class to attain credit for completion of a continuing education class. However, a more stringent attendance policy may apply for courses given for certification, licensure, or teacher renewal. Students should refer to the course syllabus for the attendance policy.