2024-2025 College Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 College Catalog

General Information

Leigh & John McNairy Library 

The Leigh & John McNairy Library provides a collection of books, periodicals, audiovisuals, web-based resources, and other learning materials to support curricular needs as well as to inspire student and faculty interests. The library has an open lab of 29 computers available to patrons and students with internet access and multiple application software packages to support curriculum requirements. Furthermore, there are five group study rooms available for students, faculty, and staff to utilize for group projects and meetings as well as a quiet study area. The main library collection consists of an estimated 18,000 titles and is housed in open stacks where patrons have the opportunity to browse in areas of interest. The library provides patrons access to thousands of online professional journals and periodicals through more than 160 online databases that can be accessed remotely or on any of the LCC campuses.  Research and leisure reading materials can also be obtained from other libraries via interlibrary loan and electronic book databases. A student ID is required for any type of transaction in the library. Additionally, from the Reference Chat widget found on all library web pages, patrons have the ability to ask reference librarians research questions online through an instant message chat available 24 hours a day Monday through Thursday with limited hours Friday through Sunday. Furthermore, students can request a research consultation with a librarian by filling out the online research consultation form on the library web page, calling to schedule an appointment, or as a walk-in to the library. Students may contact the library by email at libraryinfo@lenoircc.edu or by phone at 252-527-6223, ext. 507. 

Distance Education

The mission of Lenoir Community College’s distance education services is to provide accessible, comprehensive instructional programs for students. Distance learning occurs when the interaction of a student and instructor is separated by place and/or time. The purpose of distance education is to meet the needs of a diverse population through flexible, alternative delivery methods including Internet, hybrid, and blended courses. Synchronous video-conferencing sessions may be scheduled for all course delivery methods.

Internet (IN) courses are college credit or continuing education courses where 100% of the instruction is asynchronously delivered through the Internet. Students work independently by utilizing Internet tools to complete course work. Students enrolled in Internet courses are guided by a qualified instructor and have access to the same resources as traditional on-campus students.

Hybrid (HY) courses are college credit or continuing education courses where the primary delivery is online with a requirement that students also meet in traditional face-to-face sessions. This combines traditional classroom-based instruction with the tools of asynchronous online distance delivery.

Blended (BL) courses are college credit or continuing education courses where the primary delivery is via traditional face-to-face method with a requirement that students have Internet access as a supplemental part of the course. Due to the definition, blended courses are not counted in the percentages of programs offered online, since the primary delivery method is in traditional face-to-face sessions.

Synchronous Learning:  Insync (SY) courses utilize scheduled synchronous video-conferencing sessions for a portion of the course hours where the instructor and student are separated by distance. Insync courses may be a scheduled part of Internet, hybrid, blended, and traditional courses.

Distance Education students abide by the same guidelines for application and registration as traditional students. In addition, identical academic standards, criteria, content, quality, and student support services apply to DE courses as to all other college courses. An online student orientation course, Moodle 101, is available to assist students. Distance Education offers on campus training sessions during early registration and the first 2 days of class at the beginning of each semester providing instruction for LancerLOGIN activation, LancerMAIL, and Moodle.

LCC uses the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle to deliver online course content in DE courses. It is vital that students taking Internet courses follow the Distance Education Course Enrollment Procedure: Students taking Internet (online) courses MUST SUBMIT an ASSIGNMENT by the 10% date in each Internet course in Moodle to be fully enrolled in the course. Students who do NOT submit an assignment by the 10% date will be marked as “NEVER ATTEND” and WITHDRAWN from the course. No Exceptions. No Refunds.

Evening and Weekend Courses

The College offers a schedule of courses during the evening and on weekends to give students the flexibility to take courses during non-traditional hours in a comfortable classroom setting. In general, the courses are offered at the main campus in Kinston, Greene County Center in Snow Hill, and the Jones County Center in Trenton. The availability of evening and weekend courses provides students the opportunity to coordinate employment with studies and to increase their rate of academic progress.

Students enrolled in evening curriculum courses are provided services including Admissions, the Leigh & John McNairy Library, the Student Center, and the Academic Support Center. Information about admission, registration, counseling, advising, financial aid, cashier services, and administration services are coordinated by the Coordinator of Evening Programs.

Noncredit occupational extension courses and expanding industry courses along with basic skills classes in adult basic education and adult high school diploma, High School Equivalency preparation are offered on evenings and weekends. These courses and programs are designed for the adult learner who is seeking knowledge and skills.

Work-Based Learning and Job Placement Services

Work-Based Learning is designed to enable students to receive college credit for working in jobs that are learning experiences and that are related to the curriculum in which they are enrolled. This practical experience is vital to students’ development by supplementing theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom. Job sites become laboratories where classroom concepts can be utilized and tested.

Work-Based Learning or volunteer experience is open to students in identified programs. College personnel will assist the student in identifying a job that meets the criteria for eligibility. A student may also use the job in which presently employed if this job meets the criteria. Numerous advantages accrue from such an approach to learning: career direction for participating students, a skilled workforce for employers, and an avenue to connect the College to the community. A student may earn Work-Based Learning credit according to approved curriculum standards for the student’s curriculum. Students should check with their advisors for information regarding those guidelines. Additional information may be secured from the Lancer Career Connections Office.

Comprehensive employment services are available through the NCWorks Career Center located on the College’s main campus and on the campuses of the Jones and Greene County Centers.


The College Bookstore is located on main campus (Kinston) in the Student Center. Operating hours are posted in the Student Center and can be found at the following link: http://bookstore.lenoircc.edu. Students may purchase books, supplies, and many other items in the Lenoir Community College Bookstore.

Lenoir Community College Foundation, Inc.

The Lenoir Community College Foundation was chartered in 1972 for the purpose of receiving funds for general college support. Gifts in support of the College may be made directly to the Foundation.

Institutional Effectiveness

The College collects and analyzes data needed for institutional planning, decision-making, policy formation, assessment, and reporting to promote innovation and effectiveness. On occasion, students will be surveyed to ascertain their opinions of courses, academic programs, or student support services. Surveys may be given to students as part of a class meeting or online. Students are highly encouraged to respond to surveys to improve LCC. Student perceptions and opinions are important to the total evaluation process used to monitor and assess programs and services offered by the College.

Inclement Weather Plan

In case of inclement weather, the College will make a decision and post it on the College website at www.lenoircc.edu as early as possible. Information regarding closings or delays will be announced using the College’s Emergency Notification System, LancerALERT. Please visit www.lenoircc.edu to learn more about the College’s Emergency Notification System, LancerALERT. Local television stations will also be notified. Decisions concerning closing the College are difficult to make based on predictions. Weather conditions can change in a short time. If Jones or Greene Counties are more adversely affected by the weather than Lenoir County, the administrators of those counties are authorized to close their campuses prior to the general announcement. Clinical administrators are authorized to cancel clinicals at their discretion. Students will be notified as early as possible by college officials regarding the status of a particular clinical site.

When classes are missed due to weather conditions, division deans and the Vice President of Instruction and Institutional Effectiveness will determine how much (if any) class time must be made up and will develop make-up plans for each class. Strategies for making up class time may include adding time to each class for the remainder of the term or adding an additional session or sessions at a time acceptable to students. Make-up time must not create conflicts with students’ other classes and students must be allowed adequate time to get to subsequent classes on time. When it is impossible to make up time lost due to inclement weather, outside assignments may be required of students in lieu of class time. Make-up plans for each class, approved by the division dean and the Vice President of Instruction and Institutional Effectiveness will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to the end of the term.

Identification Badges

College identification (ID) badges are provided to all students and employees and are available in the Leigh & John McNairy Library.  ID badges must be displayed at all times while on College property. Visitors must obtain a visitor badge. Visitor badges are available at designated areas in each building.

Tobacco-Free/Smoke-Free/Vapor-Free College

All property, including vehicles owned or controlled by the College are tobacco free, smoke free, and vapor free. Tobacco, smoke, and vapor products include cigarettes, cigars, blunts, bidis, pipes, chewing tobacco, snus, snuff, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, and other items containing or reasonable resembling tobacco or tobacco products.

Emergency Messages

Call 252-527-6223, ext. 301 (day), ext. 360 (night)

Students will not be allowed to receive telephone messages while at the College unless an emergency situation exists. Messages will normally be screened by the Dean of Student Services or the Coordinator of Evening Programs to determine the nature of the emergency. If it is apparent that an emergency situation exists, the staff will make every effort to relay the message. Callers must identify themselves and the number from which they are calling. Students should ask relatives and associates not to contact them at the College unless an emergency exists.

If a person on campus requests the location of a student concerning an emergency situation, the person will normally be referred to the Dean of Student Services or the Coordinator of Evening Programs Office to determine the nature of the emergency. If it is apparent that an emergency situation exists, a short message will be delivered to the student stating the name of the person and where the person will be waiting.

If a law enforcement officer asks to see a student, the officer will be referred to the Dean of Student Services or the Coordinator of Evening Programs.

Social Security Numbers

Social security numbers are collected to comply with federal and state law and regulations. The College will not disclose a social security number for any purpose not required by law without the consent of the student.

Change of Name or Address

The obligation of every student is to notify the Office of Admissions of any change in name or address. Failure to do so can cause a serious delay in the processing of student records. Documented proof of name change is required. Students must present a picture ID to admissions staff or submit request through LCC email to make name and address changes.

Cultural Arts

The College sponsors a variety of cultural arts programs including the performing and visual arts. Concerts and exhibits by local, state, and national artists may be included in the program.

Student Health Services

The College does not provide medical, hospital, or surgical services or assume responsibility for injuries incurred by students when taking part in intramural sports, intercollegiate sports, physical activity courses, class, or student activities. Medical services are available at the Emergency Room of UNC Lenoir Health Care.

Students are covered by accident insurance through the College while on campus or involved in college functions. This coverage is included in student fees.


The College does not offer dormitory facilities. Students wishing to live away from home must arrange their own living accommodations. The College does not assume responsibility for the supervision of such housing.

Licensing of Graduates

Lenoir Community College is an educational institution and prepares students for progression and completion of program of studies that lead to licensure. Upon completion of a program requiring licensure, the licensure process is the responsibility of the graduate. Students convicted of a felony or any other crimes involving moral turpitude may not be recognized by the proper licensing agency.

Student Right to Know

Information regarding the persistence rate to degree completion and other consumer information of students at Lenoir Community College is available on the College’s website on the Consumer Information web-page at https://www.lenoircc.edu/future/coninfo/.

Campus Traffic Regulations

Students, faculty, and staff members who operate a vehicle on LCC-Main Campus are subject to traffic regulations. These regulations pertain to everyone and are enforced by campus police/security officers.

Vehicle Responsibility

The student, faculty, or staff member in whose name a vehicle is registered will be responsible for any liability or damage arising in connection with the possession or operation of the motor vehicle on the college campus. The College will assume no responsibility for any vehicles, including the care of or the protection of the vehicle or its contents at any time while parked in any parking area on campus.

Parking Areas

There are sufficient parking facilities on the campus to accommodate all vehicles in their respective legal parking zones. Students may not park in the following areas:

  1. Any parking areas marked staff or faculty
  2. Visitor’s parking
  3. Grass areas
  4. Handicap spaces without proper permit


Citations issued by the City of Kinston—Department of Public Safety and Campus Police must be settled in accordance with the information on the citation. The campus security officers issue traffic tickets for the following violations which will result in a traffic fine to be paid or settled immediately at the Cashier’s Office located in the Administration Building. Students may not register for any succeeding semester, nor will any transcripts be released, until traffic fines are cleared.

Fine Per Violation: $25.00

  1. Blocking streets, fire hydrants, pedestrian walkways, and handicapped ramps
  2. Unauthorized parking in restricted areas (e.g. no parking zones, visitor parking zones, loading and unloading zones, along curbs painted yellow, handicapped parking areas without parking permit, faculty and staff parking areas, automotive and machining compound)
  3. Failure to park between lines
  4. Parking on the grass
  5. Driving across a curb to park

Penalty for receiving three or more tickets for parking or traffic violations in any school semester:

  1. Loss of privilege for operating a motor vehicle on the Lenoir Community College campus for one month—30 school days.
  2. Second notices will not be sent regarding impending fines due. Vehicles may be booted or towed at the discretion of security.
  3. Continued violations may result in student not being allowed to drive on campus.

Guest Speakers

Students and employees have the right to invite speakers by following procedures established by the College. Sponsorship of guest speakers does not imply approval or endorsement of views expressed either by the sponsoring group or the College.

Freedom of Expression

Students have a right to take reasonable exception to the data or views offered in any course of study, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course for which they are enrolled. Order, direction, and procedure, as well as the scope and treatment of the subject, are primarily the responsibility of the instructor.

Academic Freedom

The College is dedicated to open, rational investigation, instruction, and publication by the faculty in the accomplishment of the mission of the College to provide students with the right of free inquiry and learning. It is recognized that the College has an interest in providing efficient, quality academic programs to the community. Employees must exercise all rights and privileges with discretion and with due consideration of the effect upon the College’s interests. Academic freedom does not contain arbitrary or unreasonable provisions and will not be in conflict with statutory provisions. The College protects academic freedom from political and other influences.

Ownership of Intellectual Property

The College encourages the development, writing, invention, or production of intellectual property designed to improve the productivity of the College or to enhance the teaching/learning environment.

College employees and students own all rights to copyrightable or patentable independent works which they create without College support, e.g., equipment, supplies, monetary compensation, or release time. Unless otherwise stated in a signed contractual agreement, the College owns all rights to copyrightable or patentable work created by the employees and students with College support.

Lenoir Community College’s Indebtedness Policy

No degree, diploma, certificate, transcript, or record will be issued to students who have not made satisfactory settlement of all their indebtedness to the College. Students may not be permitted to attend classes, take final exams, nor register for any subsequent semesters if those students have delinquent indebtedness with the College. Students are encouraged to make arrangements with the Business Office to satisfy outstanding debt.

Equal Opportunity

The College is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The College complies with existing federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding nondiscrimination. The College prohibits discrimination against and/or exclusion from the participation in any benefits or activities by any person, either on the staff and faculty or in the student body, on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, political affiliation, or disability. The College supports all federal laws, including, but not limited to, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 799A and 845 of the Public Health Services Act, the Equal Pay and Age Discrimination Acts, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, Drug-Free Workplace Act and Drug Testing, the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, and Executive Order 11375. The Director of Human Resources/Deputy Title IX Coordinator should be contacted regarding Equal Opportunity matters.

Online Communities

(Facebook, X, Instagram, Etc.)

The College recognizes that social medias behavior is entitled to extensive protections under the First Amendment. The College guarantees and protects the speech rights of students. This policy will be interpreted with those protections in mind. With the freedom and opportunities that online communities offer, come some words of caution:

  1. In using online communities, you are posting personal information on the Internet, which leaves you unable to ensure who is able to view that information, even if you make your profile secure.
  2. Any information posted can remain available for an extended period of time, which means even something temporarily posted as a joke is traceable.
  3. Potential employers are now using Google and related search engines to perform background checks on interviewees. Information students post may affect their ability to secure employment after graduation.
  4. Students are linked to “friends” and the content they publish on their community pages. The people to whom students link also reflect on the students.
  5. Any social media activity that violates the law, goes against College codes of conduct, or has the potential to disrupt student learning and campus operations is prohibited and subject to corrective action.

Waiver of Responsibility

Some programs offer students the opportunity for work-based learning experiences in the classroom and lab environments. Anyone receiving services from such College programs are responsible for payment of material costs. The College assumes no responsibility for the quality of work performed or for damages sustained while in the learning environment.

Students’ Disclosure of Criminal Records

Students entering or who wish to enter programs that require practicums, internships, or clinical experiences are advised that prior criminal records may result in the inability to complete selected programs. Most participating agencies require background checks before students are allowed at their facilities. If prior criminal records exist, students may not be allowed at the participating agencies. Criminal records must be shared with those participating agencies at which placement is being sought. If participating agencies will not accept the students because of the records, the students will be unable to fulfill the program requirements. Students are required to disclose prior criminal records.  Programs that require such experience include, but are not limited to, Health Sciences and Nursing programs, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Associate, Emergency Medical Science, and Human Services Technology.

Generally, individuals who have been found guilty of a felony, pleaded guilty to a felony, or had a professional license, registration, or certification denied, revoked, suspended, or subjected to probationary conditions by a regulatory authority or certification board are not eligible to take the CMA (AAMA) Exam. However, the Certifying Board may grant a waiver based upon mitigating circumstances. For more information go to www.aama-ntl.org.

Criminal Records and Drug Testing

Clinical sites may require students’ criminal background checks and/or drug testing prior to or during participation in the clinical component of a program. Please be aware that progress to graduation will be limited by any inability to complete the clinical portion of the program.